Oura Ring
Grand Esque
Wox Flat
Alena Spirina
Design solutions
for business and no-code website development
I apply 10 years of experience in marketing to deliver quality results with high efficiency
Design solutions for business and no-code website development
Grand Esque
Oura Ring
Wox Flat
Stilo Mebel
Sudakov store
Jewellery shop
Interior Design
Smart ring
Karting club
Chair collection
Modular kitchens
Eyewear shop
House painting
Savoir store
Kart Republic
Krasim brus
Grand Esque
Oura Ring
Wox Flat
Stilo Mebel
Sudakov store
Kart Republic
Savoir store
Krasim brus
Interior Design
Smart ring
Chair collection
Modular kitchens
Jewellery shop
Karting club
Eyewear shop
House painting
Turning an idea into a finished, working result
Turnkey website development includes all stages of development: prototype, design, layout and integration
Prototype, design, layout and integrations
The creation of a website includes all stages of development
Corporate website
Single page website for an expert, promotional page, landing page for a product or service
A site with a more complex structure, suitable for companies that want to tell more about themselves
Order a site
Order a site
from $900
from $1 000
Online store
Website for selling goods with catalogue, shopping cart and payment system connection
Order a site
from $1 000
Design only
Tilda layout
Mockup drawing, including mobile version, in Figma based on your prototype without further layout
Transfer of layout from Figma, adaptation for all devices, complex animation, integration with services
Order a site
Order a site
from $650
from $20/block
Art Direction
Review of any of the development stages: prototype, concept, layout, ideas and feedback on animation and layout
Order a site
Order a site
Order a site
Order a site

Order a site

Order a site
Order a site
from $900
Single page website for an expert, promotional page, landing page for a product or service
from $1 000
A site with a more complex structure, suitable for companies that want to tell more about themselves
Corporate website
from $1 000
Website for selling goods with catalogue, shopping cart and payment system connection
Online store
from $650
Mockup drawing, including mobile version, in Figma based on your prototype without further layout
Design only
from $20/block
Transfer of layout from Figma, adaptation for all devices, complex animation, integration with services
Tilda layout
Review of any of the development stages: prototype, concept, layout, ideas and feedback on animation and layout
Art Direction
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Spirina Design [ 2024 ]
Tilda Experts
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Please leave your contact details and I will get back to you as soon as possible. We will discuss details, cost and work plan
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